All previous efforts were halted by power failures and lack of inspiration.
I seem to be taking a small hiatus from my blog after a lack of interest from other parties, no comments etc, I didn't start this blog to incite comments and for other people but after being drawn into the crafting blog world I started to comment on others and got comments in return, and since my last posts seem to have not attracted many views I feel a little bit disheartened and I hate that I feel that way. I didn't start this for other people, I started it for me so I dont know where I stand now in terms of my blogging habits and what I should write and not write in terms of my life.
I also had an unfortunate discovery of a blog thats been written detailing the private life of a close friend of mine, this has lead to a small breakdown on his behalf and a huge amount of disgust for this person on my behalf.
People who I expected to read my posts havent been and this is a little bit dissapointing and leaves me with little faith in them. I guess I've just fallen off the radar of the blog world (the small place in which I held) and have landed back in the live world in which is taking up ALL of my time. I dont really feel motivated to post and when I do I'm torn with what material to actually put up, this was originally a place that I would share my crafting projects as well as parts of my life that are more intimate including my struggles with Bipolar II disorder and how I'm coping with this illness and making the most of life, also the things that I find help the most including inspirational friends and art etc. So that's where I'm at for now.
Ok, thats my rant for the moment.
Now back to what I've been doing, I recently landed the lead role in a production which will be put on at Monash Uni Student Theatre in September. It's called 'Mourning Becomes Electra' by Eugene O'neill.
(all photos sourced from google images.)
we're doing 6 shows in 4 days and then it's done and I've finished a subject! So I'll be left with a contemporary performance subject and a script writing subject, both of which I'm really enjoying so far.So that's that.
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