Well it's Friday night and I'm sitting at home watching tv and procrastinating from doing an assignment for directing, this will further my procrastination as well as making me feel like I've done something. Overall, a good move.
What have I been watching?
Blood wedding put on at Monash Uni student theatre, it was pretty super with the most amazing set. the concept worked so beautifully and visually and aurally it was fantastic. I do reccomend if you're in the wedding
australia's next top model, this is the worst show ever made yet I am strangely addicted to it, i watch it and think "you idiots, why are you doing that? why are you talking? and yet I am watching it week after week. hmmmm, I dont recommend this show.
what have I been reading?
a million little pieces by james frey,I finished this the other day and overall I quite enjoyed it, however there's all this controversy that most of it is fake, this is interesting coz as you read it you wonder how he got around talking about the other people in the book, and if he had to ask them etc. I'm pretty sure most people wouldn't want to be written about while in rehab, especially some of the characters who're shown in a not so nice light. But it was still interesting, still worth a read.
on the road by jack kerouac, I've just started this, its good so far, I like the way its written, he has a nice language. more updates when I'm further in. It is a classic so definitely worth it.
what have I been listening to?
Patrick wolf, el perro del mar, cocorosie, and adele, all thanks to last.fm which you enter your own music library in to and it tells you what music you'll probably enjoy, a friend told me about it and since then I've got my hands on said music and had a great time. Listening to new music is good, I hadn't gotten any new stuff for ages.
what have I been doing?
Most of this week has been doing my assignment for PER which is on anxiety in our society, its around 3200 words and I really enjoyed writing it, which is abnormal, hopefully I'll get a good mark and it will be recieved well. I've also been helping Blood Wedding to get on their feet with random set stuff and costume detailing, it was nice spending time with the cast and helping them out, and it also provided adequate distraction from other homework.
Today I had outpatient therapy which was alright, talking about anxiety made me anxious, but since it's a new group we're mostly starting at the same level and that was comforting. I fell asleep in meditation/relaxation which you arent supposed to do but everyone did, it's just so calming...I then proceeded to go home and go back to sleep, til 5.30pm, I'm tired all the time which is really frustrating and disrupting, I dont know if it's medication or depression but I'm sick of it none the less. That and weight gain have been big issues for me recently and I'm just taking it day by day and trying not to think about much else!
Coming up this week is a friends 24th birthday party which should be fun, it'll be good to see friends. I have a presentation to do on Monday which should be good and also my directing essay which I keep putting off and I really need to start, if anyone wants to write me an essay on Grotowski and Brook just let me know. Other than that we have directing showings and I'm also going to be rehearsing a play over the holidays with the Honours program, this means that I'll have finished a subject in week 4 of semester. Which is Awesome.
Peace out.
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