Well this is the beginning of possibly a short lived blog depending on my mood.
This shall be a place to share to no one my love of various crafty fun websites and other cool people/things that I find on the internet as well as a mostly anonymous account where I can vomit out my frustrations and annoyances that occur in my personal life since I'm not a big sharer but I do like venting somewhere, so here is the place it shall be.
We shall begin,
cool things to look at:
she's amazingly awesome, buy her books, read her blogs, look at her rad illustrations.
rad melbournite with awesome fashion and knitting skills.
for fashion inspiration and general awesomeness check out the faashion of helsinki's finest.
Skwalks' flickr account, check out her 366 faces of ego project, it will blow your socks off.
Okay so go out and buy J.M Coetzee's 'Diary of a Bad Year', it's rad with amazing mini essays written in a fabulously intellectual tone and awesome opinions. He calls himself a quietist-pessemistic anarchist, and the explanation of this is rockin and fits me and a lot of my friends to a tee, so check him out. I'm reading a novel by him at the moment called 'Elizabeth Costello' and it is also rad.
Also read Gabriel Garcia Marquez' 100 years of solitude, it's beautiful.
Lykke Li, Sia's not so new album, Grizzly bear (depressing indie) and Royksopp's new album.
I recently saw Tank Girl, it was awesome, I recommend it.
I saw Monash Uni Shakespeare Society's 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' last night, it was entertaining and very funny along with some weird awkward moments. Music was interesting, but the comedy was very good.
Also my friend Pen Bartlau has co written and directed a play called 'The Keeper' which is on a La Mama for a while, check it out, it's great, I really enjoyed it, the music was great and it was so beautiful and simple yet meaningful without being wanky, yay for non-wanky theatre.
This is my first week out of hospital of where I was for a month, I've put on 8 kilos which disgusts me and makes me not a happy chappy, but other than that I'm ok, I have sweet as meds that are good and a clean room with a new bookshelf and little desk, I'm going back to uni on Monday which is already scaring me a little bit, oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.
Mood wise I'm up and down but not to extremes which is better than before so I'm okay with that.
I may post later, because this is new and exciting and I have nothing planned for today other than drinking 10 glasses of water.
1 day ago
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