Friday, July 3, 2009

number eight.

Rehearsals for Lysistrata, going well, not really over enthused about it, but it's going along fine considering that its taking over all of my holidays. You win some you lose some, I'm focusing that I'll be finished in week 4 of the semester. Other than that I haven't been doing much, just faffing around at home doing little crafty things.


Sunshine Cleaning – nice dark humour, not as good as little miss sunshine, however beautiful moments and some beautiful relationships shown in the movie, very funny.

My Girl – Watched this with the boyfriend, an old favourite I haven't seen in years, I like the era portrayed, and I balled my eyes out and was in a bad mood for the rest of the night....that was a bit of a problem, however EVERYONE should watch this again!

The Proposal – great cheesy chick flick, set mainly in Alaska and has only increased my love of this small city and made me want to move there even more. Very cute, cheesy and predictable movie, and it made me happy.

D. H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover – Reading this at the moment, it's quite good, taken ages to get into however I've been egged on by the fact that it's a bit of a classic, also its very true to its time with some graphic capitalist rants that are quite off-putting, however it all fits in with the characters. So I AM enjoying it.

Homer's Odyssey – Just bought and am going to start devouring it soon.
Virginia Wolf's Mrs Dalloway – Recommended by a friend and will start reading soon.

On my to-do list I have a couple of things to make which include some little journals. While I was in hospital I learned how to bind books and so I'm creating some little journals that hopefully I can perfect and give to friends for birthdays etc. Also I'm going to be making some little soft toy
creations but I need to get my hands on some material, op shops are good for that. I've taught myself to crotchet, and am currently quite obsessed with this craft, so hopefully I'll be uploading a photo of my finished blanket once it's done, fingers crossed.

Also when I get some time I'm going to do some foam prints on record covers and vinyl records for my bedroom, however this is still far away as I need to figure out what exactly I want to print.

Pretty low, not sure why, everything is kind of stuck, I'm so afraid of intimacy and it's affecting my relationships with people, I prefer to be by myself and I find myself withdrawing more and more. I think this is somewhat due to an extremely active week the week before last week. Or maybe I'm just happier by myself. I've been reading a lot of blogs and they are amazing, however they aren't very personal, which I guess I like. However this space is a space for me to write about how I feel and how I'm going with issues I have faced with mental health.

A job. One that is low stress...preferably something that I like, I'd love to work in a book store, however with the current economic climate I think it's a matter of beggars cant be choosers.

I'm going away to the country with roughly 20 friends from uni, it is going to be a very loud and dramatic week away. I'd love a holiday to take in the surroundings, read, crotchet, draw and paint, and I have a feeling I won't get the chance to do much of this, hopefully I can gather some allies and attempt to have a relaxing week away.

1 comment:

  1. Employment - well at least getting employment - truly sucks, especially at the moment. i've all but given up on getting a 'proper' job and just gone for teaching and sporadic gigs that pay well, don't know how long that'll last me considering my terrible spending habits as well as my planned solo overseas expedition at the end of the year, but OH WELL!

    Alaska truly looks like a stunning place, i bought this collection of short films from around the world DVD a while ago and it had one made by an American of Inuit descent, he made this film about two Inuit brothers who inexplicably get involved in the murder of one of their best friends - not the cheeriest of plots but it's all set in this vast open span of snow in Alaska, in the middle of nowhere, and it is strikingly beautiful.

    I am thoroughly enjoying your updates as usual, glad to see you're on the creativity ball, something i will need to get myself more onto, but you know. Hope your trip away will be swell, and i should really come to one of your productions one time! i really enjoyed a clockwork orange as it were, even though that was aaages ago.
