You can see more of Sarah's work at her Deviant Art

My parents are away for a week and last night I made roast pumpkin, fetta and spinach pasta and watched movies with friends and tonight I cooked matriciana and used my mum's recipe and it tasted great, I'm very happy about this.I would so love to live alone and bake, craft, and drink tea all day, alas I have no money and dont think I'd be able to live alone for very long, I guess this week will test me out, however my dream is to own my own boutique store and live above it and sell vintage clothes accessories and handmade crafty things/art and stuff, I dont know how I'll make this happen, maybe just marry someone rich...hmmmm...I'm not sure yet, leave it with me.
I also made a high waisted skirt out of a bedsheet/tablecloth that has a gorgeous floral design and cost me $1.50 at an awesome opshop on Warrigal Rd in Glen Iris.

Sorry about the frown, I was rushing out the door when I took this!
Uni results come out at the end of this week, I did two subjects and was away for 6 weeks in the middle of semester and I'm aiming for High Distinctions...hmmmm.
My crocheted blanket is going well, I wish I'd chosen better wool to begin with however I started with acrylic and I'm going to finish with acrylic, I guess I'll just have to make another one.
I'm incredibly inspired by all the blogs on my blog roll, the vintage fashion and craft blogs I'm seeing are absolutely stunning and I'm continuously being inspired to do craft and art, yay for amazingly inspiring people.
I watched Perfume last night, good movie, I much prefer the book though.
Still reading one flew over the cuckoo's nest, going well, enjoying it. Once I set myself up with a camera I'll upload some pics of what I've been up to.
Besides this I have rehearsals Monday to Thursday every day from now until performance week (4 or 5 weeks away) which is a little ridiculous and full on, however today's seven hour rehearsal went really really well and I finally got a handle on my Old woman character. Woo!
I think that's all for the moment,
peace out.
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